

Posted: 1/29/2025

Greetings from Melbourne. Hope the new year has started well for. At John Cairns Ministries and Leaders Network International we’ve been busy planning Conferences and ministry activities. We are making available some sermon notes which will serve as a Resource for you and can be downloaded for free by visiting www.lni.world click on the &lsqu...

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New Year Greetings and Update

Posted: 1/15/2025

Happy new year to our global LNI Family.

Hope you had a blessed Christmas season.

We’re excited for all that God has in store for LNI thi...

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LNI Update

Posted: 11/4/2024

Greetings LNI Family.Hope you are doing well and experiencing the favour of the Lord on your life and ministry.
We praise God that several pastors and leaders have recently joined our LNI family. Welcome to you all. We pray you are blessed and encouraged as you build new friendships and relationships with other pastors and leaders locally and ac...

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October Update

Posted: 10/8/2024

Hi LNI Family,
Hope you’re doing well and enjoying a blessed week.
I know that many of you are dealing with floods while others are facing severe drought. We’re praying for you to experience the grace and strength of the Lord, believing that he is with you and that he will supply all your needs.
“It is the Lord who goes b...

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LNI Greetings

Posted: 5/27/2024

G’day to all our LNI Family.

Hope you are experiencing God’s blessing in your life, family, and ministry.

Praise God for all you are accomplishing in your locality for Him and HIS Kingdom. Praying the Lord continues to strengthen and encourage you as you continue to faithfully serve Him. He is our strength, peace, and jo...

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LNI Greetings

Posted: 4/28/2024

Greetings LNI Family.

Hope you had a blessed and encouraging.

Praise God for all you are accomplishing in your locality for Him and HIS Kingdom. I know that many of you are facing various challenges and I commend you for your faithfulness and perseverance. Praying the Lord continues to strengthen and encourage you. He is our Provide...

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Happy Easter

Posted: 3/27/2024

Hi LNI Family. Hope your week is going well.

Praying you have a dynamic Easter weekend as we remember all that Jesus Christ has accomplished for us by his excruciating death and his all-conquering Resurrection.

He is Risen!



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LNI Facilitators Team

Posted: 8/29/2022

Exciting Announcement:

Hi LNI family.

Hope you all had a great weekend.

Praise God that even during this challenging season the LNI Family continues to expand globally. My desire is that we should continually strengthen, and deepen, the connections and relationships between all our LNI Leaders nationally and internationally....

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